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ALP Conference Response

We want to thank all the Labor members who

supported a Fair Go for a GSO last Saturday with us.

We want to acknowledge Chris Steel who spoke

to our members about what it is like to be a GSO in

Canberra, and thanked them for their hard work in his

address to Conference.

The reception to our campaign was well met at the

conference and we are looking forward to working with

the ACT Government to fix the inequality that our

cities workers have suffered.

Here is what Chris had to say during the ALP

Conference -

I want to acknowledge the hard work of our GSOs from

the arborists and street sweepers who have cleaned

up over 3000 trees that came down in the Belconnen

supercell storm, to the Roads ACT crews filling in

potholes with roads damaged by going on 3 years of

heavy rainfall, to those who are planting trees and

making our city more liveable in the hotter and drier

climate expected


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